I’d have hoped by now, over ten years as a florist, that I’d have my bulb ordering down to a tee. Yet here I am again - quite late in the bulb-ordering-day, paralysed with indecision. I know what I love and I know what I really dont love. But every new season, I feel I should try and go for something new and exciting. A new colour combo perhaps? Maybe I veer away from my beloved stripes? Could this be the year for the hot pink and orange combo I fantasise about? But I know deep down, that there is no way in hell I can live without Marilyn or Estella.
Sarah Raven has always been my go-to for bulbs. She keeps her tulips in the ground for three rather than two years which gives them a whole year more to get fatter and juicer, in theory making the flowers that much better. Saying that, this year, for my cutting patch, I’ve also shopped from Bloms bulbs and Farmer Gracy.
As I type, I’m mid emptying out all the soil from the pots. I’ve cheated for years, recycling the old soil but this year, I mean business. I’ve just ordered six bags of this.
If you’re anything like me, the endless bulb marketing emails will leave you feeling mildly panicked that you haven’t chosen, ordered and got them in the ground already. Do not panic. There is bags of time. And now we’re ‘late’ to order, the best bit is, they’re all on sale! (Sarah Raven launched her bulb bonanza sale yesterday which is on for this week.) What you want to be really careful of is planting them too early. They don’t want to go into the ground until you’ve had a couple of really good frosts, at least until November, otherwise you’ll be at risk of getting tulip fire which can destroy the lot.
Here is what I’ve ended up going for this year…