There is no better January past time of the gardening/flowering variety than playing with, potting and planting bulbs. For colour and life indoors, you can’t beat forced bulbs.
Layer some gravel/grit into a container. Pretty much anything can be a container - cereal bowls, pretty tins, jam jars, baked bean tins, wooden wine crates… (our green floral Loving Cup, Romanian rustic vase and bowl are in these pics above).
Add in the bulbs - look out for iris reticulata, forced hyacinths, paperwites, or dig up some snowdrops (you can replant them again after).
Add a layer of moss. I find mine from the garden and tops of stone walls at this time of year but you can also buy it. Use twigs to support hyacinths and papwerwhites at they can get quite leggy…
Happy potting!
Simply beautiful ! I love this Iris and this Muscaris